
Funded in 2014 and resulting from the "Investments for the Future" French program, SATT Paris-Saclay is the Technology Transfer Acceleration Company of the Paris-Saclay Cluster.

A common player in both entities - Paris-Saclay University and Institut Polytechnique de Paris - the SATT has an investment capacity of 66 million euros over 10 years to finance and support the development of research work from the territory and the technology transfer to markets.

SATT Paris-Saclay supports the BB-100 lead product validation through two grants, POC'Up and Maturation, for a total of 616K€.

The Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) is a public scientific, technical and industrial research body (EPIC). A French major player in research, development and innovation, the CEA operates in four areas, defense and security, low-carbon energies (nuclear and renewable), technological research for industry, fundamental research in science of matter and life sciences.

CEA Paris-Saclay has awarded a worldwide exclusive licence to Blue Bees Therapeutics on i.Ther technology, and hosts the company's R&D laboratory

Bpifrance finances and supports companies - at each stage of their development - with loans, guarantees, aid for innovation and equity. In doing so, Bpifrance acts in support of public policies conducted by the Franch government and the Regions.

Bpifrance supports Blue Bees Therapeutics through grants, including BFTE and i.Lab, for a total of 465K€.

La French Tech Paris-Saclay (FTPS) is a non-profit organisation of innovative entrepreneurs representing the interests of the start-up community, scaleups and project developers based in the Paris-Saclay region, Yvelines, and Essonne on local, national and international levels.

La French Tech Paris-Saclay aims to unite this community to defend, promote and support start-ups that share common values, primarily focusing on producing disruptive innovations ("Deep Tech").

Blue Bees Therapeutics has joined FTPS since 2023 as an active member

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the first and largest cancer research organization dedicated to accelerating the conquest of cancer.

Through its programs and services, the AACR fosters research in cancer and related biomedical science; accelerates the dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others dedicated to the conquest of cancer; promotes science education and training; and advances the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world.

Dr Philippe Berthon has been active AACR member since January 1995.

MabDesign is the French expert in biotherapy and biomanufacturing. As a self-financed association, it ooperates across Europe for the benefit of French stakeholders.

Through its areas of expertise, MabDesign aims to be the leading contact for the scientific, technological and business needs of actors in the biotherapy sector.

Blue Bees Therapeutics has joined MabDesign as an active membre since 2024.

The Société Française d'Immuno-Thérapie du Cancer (FITC) promotes the access and development immuno-therapies in France

The FITC represents oncologists and scientists involved in the field of immunology and immuno_therapy of cancers, in association with the major French scientific and medical organizations (SFI, SFC, LySA, etc.). The FITC is also the interlocutor of public authorities, including HAS, CEPS, INCa, Ministries, etc., as well as the legislators (Senate, National Assembly) in order to improve the implementation of immuno_therapies in France and to increase funds allocated to immuno-oncology research.

Blue Bees Therapeutics has joined FITC as an active membre, biotech section, since 2022.

France Biotech, founded in 1997, is an independent association which brings together healthcare innovation entrepreneurs and their expert partners.

Leader of the health innovation ecosystem and key contact with public authorities, France Biotech contributes to meeting the challenges of the HealthTech sector and proposing concrete solutions.

Dr Philippe Berthon, has been board member of France Biotech from 2006 to 2011. He initiated the Corporate Finance Committee and chaired it until 2011. Blue Bees Therapeutics has joined France Biotech as an active member, biotech section, since 2022.

Launched in February 2022 by Gustave-Roussy, Sanofi, Inserm, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Université Paris-Saclay, and joined by AP-HP, Institut Curie, UNICANCER and Medicen, the Paris-Saclay Cancer Cluster is the first " biocluster " in the French investment plan "France 2030". 

The PSCC's goal is to accelerate innovation in oncology and facilitate the development of new cancer treatments, medical devices and diagnostics in France. To achieve this vision, the Oncocluster has chosen the new "Campus Grand Parc" district, a high-potential site anchored in Villejuif. The PSCC offers the most promising researchers and developers unique access to the best experts, technologies and services to foster the emergence of new solutions for patients: clinical trials, patient samples and data, technological platforms, infrastructures, laboratories, training.

Blue Bees Therapeutics has been granted the PSCC label in june 2024.